Saturday, September 28, 2013

Feedback on SVU opening episode.....

So 140 character on twitter to express how this opening episode of SVU season 15, haven seen it for the 3rd time and with help from feedback on Allthingslawandorder (thx you again for this, really helps me)...... well let's just say for starters, to use the word Mariska said on the Katie show.....: "Holy shiatty".....

Let's start with the obvious first..... if the Emmy statue for best leading actress 2014 doesn't have Mariska's name on it, I'd like to hear the reason for it.... because let's be frankly or like both Warren and Mariska have said in interviews, Mariska as "Benson" is really put out of characther's role from now on and is now on the other side of the world as a victim. Yes she has been before, but this is (as far as I can tell) is where Benson actually react to the pent up anger/fear/giving in and that is the most/biggest changes of the character of Benson. And this is a entirely different road to be on and I can't help but admire and look forward to how it is handled as, as much as "SVU" is fictional, it still has a voice for a lot of the victims out there.  Plus how will the squad take this changes of Benson, as we will sure learn they feel quilt in one way or another.

There was a scene in episode 2 which really pulled the chains.... When Benson tells Cragen in front of the team, if he couldn't trust her, she was done. That just did it for me.... the look on Cragen's face held so many emotions in that second before he turns around and let her do the interrogation. As well the firm look on her, saying she at that point in fact had made up her mind. Like she tells to the psychiatrist "my work is the one thing he can't take from me".... and here Benson basically tells Cragen, trust her or she is done.... she needs him to trust her as well trust she will work her way back from her ordeal in her own way. And that she is saying this in front of the team, also letting them know how she feels about it - "Don't treat me like I'm about to break" - because that would be the worst thing for her... she more than ever needs the back up from them all.... (and I'm sure we will see more of this later on....)

And it was well done mixing the flashback in episode two (awesome edited Karen....) with what happened in "real" time. In fact scary and sad to say as real as it can be....

If there is something I would say, which probably would be too much for some, would have episode one to be a whole two parter. It felt a bit rushed in the end even though the story holds, but that's me....

And like said above, the Emmy for best lead actress should go to Mariska (kuddos for great acting there (had me scared/worried there for a moment) as well to make-up, and specially hair - well since she cut it herself hopefully with help from hairdresser Brian) there should also be a Emmy for best villian to Pablo Schreiber (I feel pretty sure we will see him again at some point "trying" to get back at Benson once and for all.....I'm sure team Warren/Julie have that one figured out already?.....?) for being scary and provoking as heck....

Overall....? Buckle up, cause this is a totally new SVU in town for this season, ready or not....

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