Wednesday, December 19, 2012

No SVU..... what to do on a birthday....?

So... as a few knows, it is my birthday today and figures, no new SVU episode?? Hhhmm... oh well that wish didn't go as planned... Anndd I kinda think the other wish I have is well... a bit "still-plan-on-it-just-don't-know-when-it-will-happen-if-in-time-just-need-a-lottery-win-or-a-job-save-up-for-trip-too-long-to-mention- etc-etc...." and the other one might be a bit tad hard too, so what does a fan/birthday lady got to do....? Well in my case and since there is no new SVU episodes tonight, I just made myself a birthday card..... when that is said, hope you all have a great day out there, take care of each other and see you around, when the next episode of SVU is on screen in oh in 2 weeks... that would be on January 2nd, 2013... just saying....  :-)

Oh, to top it all...... I woke up to read a tweet Michael Smith wrote about the episode on January 2nd...(below is from twitter and no bad intent on putting it up here, just sharing..) :

   replied to one on Twitter: only hint is that it involves Finns past. And an interesting twist for benson."

 Sure, sure... Thank you Michael..... great birthday reading and I'm still waiting on that DeLoren car to fast forward to January..... or you could mail me the episode??? :-)

Oh, I won't do any miniposter next week.... what? The SVU gang is on Christmas holidays next week... I may have plenty of time on my hands, I still have some books I need to catch up on.... like um 6-7 of them....  plus I do have ideas for the next miniposter - even more after that tweet from Michael (Thank you again for the twisting plot, rumbling my head for change of ideas etc etc - do writers/actors ect have the same experience I wonder when on set, when changes comes in....?).... So stay tuned and

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
see you in 2013...... 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

No episode..... still......

Ok, there are no new episode of SVU tonight, still can tell I do miss it... and they are still filming as far as I can tell.... so just for that and since it is 12.12.2012 (Warren, Michael.... any SVU episode about that??? - suggestions....) I thought this miniposter was suitable for today... 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

New episode of Law & Order SVU "Dreams Deferred"....

YAY a new episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is on NBC tonight at 9pm, with Patricia Arquette in a high profiled role.

When I saw the promo and some of the advance promo stills, I got an clear idea of what I wanted tonights  miniposter to look like and I have to admit it has come as close as I wanted it to be. Only trick was, there was no advance promo stills of Mariska Hargitay/Olivia Benson, despite the episode concerning one of her old cases. That made me ponder and here late afternoon I came up with a solution. I wonder if there will be yet another flash back as seen in earlier episodes?? Want to find out? Well tune in, tonight at 9pm and see what happens and turns the SVU squad upside down...

As I'm not sure if it is possible to read at all, I've written the poem (which are on the "bigger" case files in the miniposter) after the miniposter if you want to read it.... inspired by Warren's reply on twitter and have read the poem by Langston Hughes (can be found here: not sure how much of this was inspired to tonights episode, but it sure got my mind working...

Tonights episode is written by Warren Leigh and Julie Martine, directed by Michael Smiths... don't miss it...

Also, sadly this is the last episode of this year. It is going to be a long wait for year 2013 to come and when new episodes will air, I have no idea... bug NBCSVU about that... we need them back asap in January, just saying..

Thanks again to @AllLawAndOrder   for being on top with synopsis and advance promo stills....

Tune in and bring SVU on top where it belongs....

To everyone at SVU: an early Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :)

"Dreams Deferred" a la SVU version written by Ditte Broens, 2012

In my church I find my calm
To weather the streets of harm

Looking at my old books,
I see all the hooks.
Which has pulled through,
This no mercy killing tide.

I look at her and see
Everything I wanted to be.
Can I confess my sin,
Or save life through my time?

Will she change her mind,
In the line of fire,
Before I can move her
To the other side of hire?

Am I losing the touch
With no love as such

Help me through my Dreams Deferred
Instead of normal people preferred

Or accept the rules of games
Of one way road to save....

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

YAY new episode of SVU tonight on NBC at 9pm :-)

New episode tonight folks, "Learning lesson" sounds rather interessting if you asks me. Det. Amaro in trouble after a bad chit chat with a professor, Benson going in behind the stonewalled walls of a prestigious private school???? I sure can't wait to see this episode and see your reactions....

Also this means so far, that the next episode is first on December 5th, bummer... plenty of time to rewatch all those lovely episode of season 14 or further back till then... ?

Happy Thanksgiving Eve to you all, as well Happy Thanksgiving weekend, hope the crew, cast, writers, etc etc all around of SVU get some down time too....

(Bring it on, Warren......  as long as you guys don't get stonewalled inside....  ;-) )

You can see the promo of tonights episode here on "AllthingsLawandOrder" (Thank you again for being on top of news etc etc... Happy Thanksgiving Eve)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

New episode of SVU tonight at 9pm on NBC :-)

YAY a new episode of Law and order: Special Victims Unit tonight at 9pm on NBC: "Vanity's Bonfire"

I really do hope both cast, crew and writers are getting back on track after last week "Sandy". So tune in tonight and show what SVU is made of.... A huge thank you to @allthingslawandorder for informations and advanced promo stills....

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New SVU episode on NBC tonight: "Friending Emily"

So not as many advanced promo stills this time, though I think/hope this one may just be as interessting as tonights episode. Can you read the code???

All on NBC at 9pm tonight.... have a Happy Halloween and enjoy the episode....

Friday, October 26, 2012

”Manhattan Vigil” SVU’s 300th episode…

Having rewatched the episode ”Manhattan Vigil” a second time, I found it both sad as well annoying that there was so little time to get into a story – any story of SVU – that it is cut down to 40-45 minutes. I am not going to do an overall view of the episode, just giving my thoughts on it - just for informations, I had on the same day this episode aired in USA attended the gala opening of James Bond "Skyfall" in Copenhagen, Denmark at 10pm (around 5-6pmish Eastern Time) so I may have been clouded by this event as well staying up till 4am my time to read the twitter reactions on the episode...

I found the start of the episode well-chosen both music wise and photo/frame wise, - which ends in the same way – to me showing that not only are “Olivia Benson” and the squad ‘on guard’ but so are those left behind wondering what happened with the victims, which we see clearly portrayed by the mother of the old case as well the eager ‘want to be respected’ cop. It was well chosen later to see Munch looking back at the old case looking for clues to help on the future case – well edited/cut getting that clip of interview with Jenna Wolfe and cop, on the television that was taped in this year and not back then…- I have to admit I was also glad that there wasn’t used too many flashback otherwise it would have to mean they would need to find Hector alive and that showed part of the red line in the story for me. I will get back to that later. 

Meanwhile in the ‘now’ as Amaro correctly tells Benson, when she mentions the old case looking at the building and pointing it out to Cragen, it was a race against the clock before another fire would end another life. It was interesting though to see how it took a while before Cragen opened up to look back on the old case and I’m sure there will be more of those “carefully” looking back into old cases and it will give some tension with the squad, when the captain is so weary of digging too deep into links in a case. I wonder if that will be dealt with later on with Cragen’s reaction back to the first two episodes on digging deeper into the past.

It was a great move to bring in Tom Sizemore to play the delusional and “I want my share” character coming way too late in the episode, he played it so well that at first you feel like he is really the bad guy and then when the backside of the story is told, makes you think ok what just happened here.  Well played. 

This episode also gave an more and more a picture (for me anyways) on each members role of the squad is, like Rollins is good at pulling out those files on the computer that needs to be looked at, Amaro is showing more and more of the good contact with the victims – perhaps influenced by Benson when paired up (loved it when Cragen told them he didn’t care of their issues while he was away when he paired them back together) – I’m sure that will come to use later on as well. Finn is at times an underwritten character on SVU I think, I think there is so much more to him than his smart cool comments towards his squad members (my favorite is Benson just for info), I would like to see more of him (what happened with the dress code???  ;-) ) And see what lies beneath “Finn”, maybe together with Munch (how come he hasn’t influenced Finn with the dress code when they are paired so much together?? Just makes me ponder…) showing what they are and mean for SVU. Then there is Benson, who admitted to Harris in previous episodes, she wouldn’t want to supervise a SVU/cop like herself, if she was to move ranks upwards - that would sort of either push out Cragen or herself from the squad, maybe an idea for a undercover story?? – as much I “love” the character Benson there is a need to give room for the others of the squad to be on screen as well, otherwise it can be too much in the end and backfire, meaning you can get tired of the character which I really don’t want to see happen. 

On that note I do agree, Benson needs either some good times in her life outside SVU, if that will be dealt with later on like it was with Haden/Cassidy or it needs to be closed like she accepts her path in life and on SVU. (Before chopping my head off, remember I did mention Benson is my favorite character, I’m just airing my opinion, and yes I am like other who wants to see SVU last longer than a season a time…)

“Manhattan Vigil” with the red line in the story of looking into the past of previous cases in order to solve the here and now cases, the SVU squad are on guard for the people they help out there as well for themselves in order to be able to carry on their jobs, especially when the squad digs more into the old case hoping they will find Hector, but knowing the chance is too slim giving the years that has passed – like Amaro tells Benson: “This is the worst part of work” more than anything shows their prize as “guards” on SVU or any police force, it is also rewarding when they find the missing boy in the "present" alive. 

Overall I found the episode fitting for reaching 300 episode, a milestone indeed and one can hope for another…. 300 episodes might be a bit too many to asks for now, I still hope it will continue to tell the stories that more than now needs to be told…

I needed to see the episode an second time, since on the same day the episode aired 6 hours before it aired in ET time (I live in Denmark), I had attended an gala opening of the new James Bond movie “Skyfall”, I stayed up late night/morning to read reactions on twitter when I got back from the cinema, I found myself mixing these two into each other – never happened for me before – and surprisely found similarities to Benson and James Bond (ok way far reached I know) but they are both fighting for what they believe in and will go to great length to do so. So if my thoughts here is a bit off that would be the reason…

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

SVU 300th Episode: Manhattan Vigil is on tonight

YAY another new episode and tonight it is the 300th episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.

So many years and still going strong, if not stronger, tonights episode looks parallel back on the first episode "Payback" as well on a case in present time.

Having read the synopsis as well interview with Warren Leight (I hope in his office, his chair is kinda the Iron Throne chair.....) I had a good visuelt idea of what I wanted to do for todays SVUminiposter. Only one could dream of getting a photoshot of some of the cast to make the shadow guard of them instead, different kind of headshot of the 3 main characther Mariska, Richard and Dann... one can dream....

So here it is, since the episode is full of the past/now and such tidbits, I took some freedom in doing the same, clues, names.... see if you can find it....  :-)

A big cudos to everyone at Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, have a great evening and thank you for what you do and continue to do.....

So tune in on NBC tonight at 9pm and make it the big party it should be and bring SVU forward on the top...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

One more day till SVU300

So there is one more day till Law and order Special Victims Unit airs it 300th episode both looking back on an old case running parallel with a new case in here and now...

Watch the behind the scenes as well interviews and the clip from Todayshow this morning in NYC:

The SVU300 promo clip

Let's help make it a milestone more to come....

SVU300 episode interview Mariska Hargitay

SVU300 Dann Floreck

SVU300 episode interview Richard Belzer

SVU300 interview Danny Pino

SVU300 episode interview Dick Wolf

SVU300 party with cake

SVUcast on Today show October 23rd 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

USA vs Denmark..... SVU

If you haven't noticed it yet, I am from Denmark and bit tad far away from USA, sometimes, like when a new episode of SVU airs on Wednesday night or when new behind the scenes video comes up on NBCSVU website.

I am actually ok with it, because eventually I do get to see the new episodes of SVU, if lucky the behind scenes as well long time later will show up on youtube.

So why do I bring this up at all, if I'm ok with it....? For starters because SVU is the first show that I have ever followed before an new episode aired on Danish television, which is like a season behind USA (right now the Danish TV channel is showing season 13, we just had episode 15, "Hunting ground" - Wednesday night at 9:55pm...), I have on twitter read the small tidbits (I would like to give a huge big shoutout thank you for what you do for the SVU fans, Warren Leigh, Michael Smiths, Dick Wolf, Julie, Celine, Karen, Scott, Mariska, Danny, Ice-T, Richard, Kelli, and a whole lot many more who shares as much as they can when they can) or read reviews on  or the reactions from the SVU fans/friends I have come to known through the show.

I do bring it up, because like others I get excited and at times a bit sad/annoyed that I haven't seen the episode or can't take part in more "overthere" as I sit here in my corner of the world. I try to take part in the chat as best as I can and if that line ever cross, I will just simply stop, because it is just not me to cross that line, over the people who writes, film, acts, and make a show I have started to care a lot more for than I have other shows. Both for personal reasons, though also because it is an important matter to talk about, do something about and get out there...

So if you look at my tweets, you will notice that whenever a new behind the scenes link have shown up, I mostly have written like: sigh, I can't watch it wrong side of the pond... etc etc... this has in no way been a ramble towards those who posted the links for the SVU fans to watch, it has simply been my frustration not being able to see it before it was avaible much later on Youtube. And this is a whole another debate about TV rights vs country etc etc that I am not even going to get into, because there is too many things in it and it is not going to change any day soon (one can hope though... put it this way, would the ratings for SVU like be a whole lot  higher if non US was counted along?)

So what am I trying to say with this blog which doesn't have my usual SVU miniposter - which I am working on alot more than I have so far??

First of all, sorry for those tweets about not being able to watch those behind the scenes at the same time as USA could. Second, many may call me newbie as I only started to follow more into SVU back this winter, I am sure catching up. I may not have seen all seasons of SVU, and now that I have catched up on season 12, 13 and now 14, I can say I really have respect for the SVU franchise to still be going strong and well have the nerve to renew itself. Not only two new cast members joins the rank of cast, but also new showrunner and God knows what else of changes have happened since last year and yet, they still share and give what they can within reach to the SVU fans. A huge thank you for that....

So before I keep on rambling, hope you don't mind my excitements when I read about SVU releated news, give feedbacks or share links regarding SVU. Keep the good tone - always pay back from the other side right... - stop talking about the past, we are here in the now and appreciate what comes tomorrow....  Let's move on shall we???

Happy Friday out there.... 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"Acceptable loss"

There is a new episode of Law and order: Special Victims Unit tonight, which features another L&O actress Kathryn Erbe, will guest star... Tune in tonight 9pm on NBC

Watch the promo here om NBC site:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"Twenty-five acts"

Just to make it a bit easier, I'm posting the miniposter for tonights episode on NBC at 9pm, Season 14, episode 3, "Twenty-five acts"..... can't wait to see this one....

Law and order: Special Victims Unit miniposters

So back around season 13 episode 17 of Law and order: Special Victims Unit or in short just SVU I made my first miniposter to the episode called Justice Denied. I felt inspired not only by the promotion stills but also by the plot of the episode. Plus I like to take photos in my sparetime and one day (one can dream) I wouldn't mind do a real SVU poster with the cast member of the series. Here an overall view of all the miniposters I've done so far plus the one for tonights episode called "Twenty-five acts" at 9pm on NBC. Gotta say I envy the US SVU fans they get to see it first... enjoy...

"Justice Denied" season13 episode 17

I was out late to do better miniposter for the last episode of season 13 and made this one instead, details....

And while waiting for season 14 to start after summer I made this teaser after first small promo had shown...

This was made as an short of a Emmy miniposter this is without the Emmy statue though

Miniposter for the first 2 episodes of season 14, which was made into one, look for title in blue in the spiderweb...

And the poster for tonights episode called "twenty-five acts" which airs at 9pm on NBC