Friday, October 19, 2012

USA vs Denmark..... SVU

If you haven't noticed it yet, I am from Denmark and bit tad far away from USA, sometimes, like when a new episode of SVU airs on Wednesday night or when new behind the scenes video comes up on NBCSVU website.

I am actually ok with it, because eventually I do get to see the new episodes of SVU, if lucky the behind scenes as well long time later will show up on youtube.

So why do I bring this up at all, if I'm ok with it....? For starters because SVU is the first show that I have ever followed before an new episode aired on Danish television, which is like a season behind USA (right now the Danish TV channel is showing season 13, we just had episode 15, "Hunting ground" - Wednesday night at 9:55pm...), I have on twitter read the small tidbits (I would like to give a huge big shoutout thank you for what you do for the SVU fans, Warren Leigh, Michael Smiths, Dick Wolf, Julie, Celine, Karen, Scott, Mariska, Danny, Ice-T, Richard, Kelli, and a whole lot many more who shares as much as they can when they can) or read reviews on  or the reactions from the SVU fans/friends I have come to known through the show.

I do bring it up, because like others I get excited and at times a bit sad/annoyed that I haven't seen the episode or can't take part in more "overthere" as I sit here in my corner of the world. I try to take part in the chat as best as I can and if that line ever cross, I will just simply stop, because it is just not me to cross that line, over the people who writes, film, acts, and make a show I have started to care a lot more for than I have other shows. Both for personal reasons, though also because it is an important matter to talk about, do something about and get out there...

So if you look at my tweets, you will notice that whenever a new behind the scenes link have shown up, I mostly have written like: sigh, I can't watch it wrong side of the pond... etc etc... this has in no way been a ramble towards those who posted the links for the SVU fans to watch, it has simply been my frustration not being able to see it before it was avaible much later on Youtube. And this is a whole another debate about TV rights vs country etc etc that I am not even going to get into, because there is too many things in it and it is not going to change any day soon (one can hope though... put it this way, would the ratings for SVU like be a whole lot  higher if non US was counted along?)

So what am I trying to say with this blog which doesn't have my usual SVU miniposter - which I am working on alot more than I have so far??

First of all, sorry for those tweets about not being able to watch those behind the scenes at the same time as USA could. Second, many may call me newbie as I only started to follow more into SVU back this winter, I am sure catching up. I may not have seen all seasons of SVU, and now that I have catched up on season 12, 13 and now 14, I can say I really have respect for the SVU franchise to still be going strong and well have the nerve to renew itself. Not only two new cast members joins the rank of cast, but also new showrunner and God knows what else of changes have happened since last year and yet, they still share and give what they can within reach to the SVU fans. A huge thank you for that....

So before I keep on rambling, hope you don't mind my excitements when I read about SVU releated news, give feedbacks or share links regarding SVU. Keep the good tone - always pay back from the other side right... - stop talking about the past, we are here in the now and appreciate what comes tomorrow....  Let's move on shall we???

Happy Friday out there.... 

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