Wednesday, November 21, 2012

YAY new episode of SVU tonight on NBC at 9pm :-)

New episode tonight folks, "Learning lesson" sounds rather interessting if you asks me. Det. Amaro in trouble after a bad chit chat with a professor, Benson going in behind the stonewalled walls of a prestigious private school???? I sure can't wait to see this episode and see your reactions....

Also this means so far, that the next episode is first on December 5th, bummer... plenty of time to rewatch all those lovely episode of season 14 or further back till then... ?

Happy Thanksgiving Eve to you all, as well Happy Thanksgiving weekend, hope the crew, cast, writers, etc etc all around of SVU get some down time too....

(Bring it on, Warren......  as long as you guys don't get stonewalled inside....  ;-) )

You can see the promo of tonights episode here on "AllthingsLawandOrder" (Thank you again for being on top of news etc etc... Happy Thanksgiving Eve)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

New episode of SVU tonight at 9pm on NBC :-)

YAY a new episode of Law and order: Special Victims Unit tonight at 9pm on NBC: "Vanity's Bonfire"

I really do hope both cast, crew and writers are getting back on track after last week "Sandy". So tune in tonight and show what SVU is made of.... A huge thank you to @allthingslawandorder for informations and advanced promo stills....