Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Q & A with Jill Abbinanti

There's just been an Q&A with episode writer Jill Abbinanti for about half an hour..... here are the answers she made in the short time.....: (sorry I haven't reversed it from the start, so it start at the end of the Q&A.....)

SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
Thanks guys! Sorry I couldn't answer all of your questions today, but I have to get back to set. #SVU fans rule! #StolenChildhood

@SVUWritersRoom what will I need to get they this episode? Kleenex, wine? #StolenChildhood #SVU
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@Chloe_Luken Why does it have to be an either/or? :) #StolenChildhood #SVU

· Ditte@HumbleDB
@SVUWritersRoom @jillabbinanti what was the best part of writting 2nigths epi & what
· SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@HumbleDB Best part of writing 2nites ep: the legal research and exploring new ways survivors of sexual abuse can get justice. #SVU

·  JustMe@Shimmering79
@SVUWritersRoom How long does it take to write a typical SVU script? #StolenChildhood
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@Shimmering79 From breaking the story to the final draft, it can take anywhere from two to four weeks. #SVU #StolenChildhood

SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@lovatosvanity @jillabbinanti Imagine your best case scenario, and multiply it. @Mariska personifies "amazing" #SVU #StolenChildhood

·  JustMe@Shimmering79
@SVUWritersRoom how common is it for victims to repress their bad memories? #StolenChildhood

·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@Shimmering79 Good question. We explore that in tonight's episode. #StolenChildhood #SVU

· Erica Scott@EricaLScott
@SVUWritersRoom Has it been fun, writing for a recurring villain? Usually the bad guys last one episode. #williamlewis #Stolenchildhood
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@EricaLScott I have fun reading the scripts. @warrenleightTV and @JulieMartinSVU have created one of the most sadistic villains on TV #SVU

·  365MH@JoyfulNicole1
@SVUWritersRoom how much of an emotional roller coaster will tonight's ep be?
·SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@JoyfulNicole1 KingdaKa-level roller coaster #SVU #StolenChildhood

· KeepItCleanKate@katemakesphoto
@SVUWritersRoom @jillabbinanti how many days to film an episode?
· SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@katemakesphoto @jillabbinanti Eight, generally between 12-14 hours a day. #StolenChildhood #SVU

·  angeliagrace@AgKidwell
@SVUWritersRoom hear it's a tearjerker tonite...any hints as to who may break our heart? #stolenchildhood #svu
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@AgKidwell Guest star Meghann Fahy #StolenChildhood #SVU

·  Chloe Luken@Chloe_Luken
@SVUWritersRoom live tweeting tonight? #StolenChildhood #SVU
· SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
·  blake @blakeisbensidy
@SVUWritersRoom in tonight's episode, do brian and olivia talk more about baby boy doe?
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom

·  KeepItCleanKate@katemakesphoto
@SVUWritersRoom @jillabbinanti is @warrenleightTV over your shoulder telling you what to tweet?
·SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@katemakesphoto @jillabbinanti @warrenleightTV If he was, my responses would be a lot funnier #StolenChildhood #SVU

·  Jannicke@JannickesArt
@SVUWritersRoom Will we see more to Bensons increased drinking in this ep? Or will it be addressed again? #stolenChildhood #stolenchildhood
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@JannickesArt If Benson has a drinking problem, then I'm in real trouble... #StolenChildhood #SVU

·  brooke@sparrabeths
@SVUWritersRoom what are your thoughts on Bensaro bc I have many and they are all good
· SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@sparrabeths As partners, or "partners"? #StolenChildhood #SVU

·  Zac @siouxk
@SVUWritersRoom Will Munch ever come back as a visitor? #StolenChildhood
· SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@siouxk I hope so, I miss Belzer's dogs! #StolenChildhood #SVU

·  JJ@Jayderz
@jillabbinanti @SVUWritersRoom can the Rollaro fans get any insight/hope as to a nick and amanda romance!?!? Pleaseeee 👏😊
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@Jayderz @jillabbinanti Well Benson seems to think they should "get a room" so you're in good company #svu #StolenChildhood

·  Erin Jimenez@Cmamom76Erin
@SVUWritersRoom @jillabbinanti whatsit like on the set?
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@Cmamom76Erin @jillabbinanti At the risk of sounding cheesy, this is the best set I've ever been on. Amazing cast and crew. #svu

· Amandaaa@fangirlinghard_
#1 question Are we going to have a tough time coping tonight? @SVUWritersRoom #stolenchildhood
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@fangirlinghard_ Yes, if you're human and you have a heart #svu #StolenChildhood

·  Sara@UcanCallmeLitke
@SVUWritersRoom Jill, will we hate you after tonight? 😩
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@UcanCallmeLitke let me know tomorrow if you do :) #StolenChildhood #SVU

·  Anna Hargitay@anna_lalalover
@SVUWritersRoom how can you characterise the tonight's episode? #StolenChildhood #SVU
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@anna_lalalover "How do you put a price on a #StolenChildhood " -- Sgt. Benson #SVU

· fearless @mxriska__
@SVUWritersRoom how many boxes of tissues will I need tonight 😭
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@mxriska__ stock up :) guest star Meghann Fahy brought us to tears when she auditioned #StolenChildhood #svu

·  Badass Benson@svulover8
@SVUWritersRoom describe tonight's episode in one word #StolenChildhood
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@svulover8 One word??? You're tough :). I guess "lost" #StolenChildhood #svu

·  Amanda@Gaga4Mariska27
@SVUWritersRoom @jillabbinanti Which of the three #SaveBenson Saga episodes has been the hardest to write, film or edit? :) #StolenChildhood
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@Gaga4Mariska27 @jillabbinanti that would be a question for the brilliant architects of this saga @warrenleightTV and @JulieMartinSVU #svu

·  Erin Jimenez@Cmamom76Erin
@SVUWritersRoom @jillabbinanti will liv finally have closure on Lewis %StolenChildhood

·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@Cmamom76Erin @jillabbinanti Lewis is back next week. Stay tuned... #StolenChildhood #SVU

·  Elizabeth @EAB429
@SVUWritersRoom @jillabbinanti Will we ever get to learn more about Rollins past?
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@EAB429 @jillabbinanti She's a fascinating character. As a writer, it's fun to delve into her backstory. #stolenchildhood #svu

·  I'm_so_over_it!@TanasiaWesley
Will she break up with Brian? @SVUWritersRoom
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@TanasiaWesley If two people are meant to be together, nothing can keep them apart... #stolenchildhood #SVU

·  I'm_so_over_it!@TanasiaWesley
@SVUWritersRoom will there be a new season?
·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@TanasiaWesley no official word, but fingers crossed! #svu #stolenchildhood

Elizabeth @EAB429
@SVUWritersRoom @jillabbinanti Will Liv forgive Amanda?

·  SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
.@EAB429 it's up to Rollins to earn Benson's trust back... #StolenChildhood #SVU

SVU Writers Room@SVUWritersRoom
Hey everybody! Looking forward to spending the next half hour with you. #stolenchildhood #svu


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