Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"October Surprise".... new SVU episode tonight.....

"October Surprise" shows a whole another side of ADA Barba and some of Amaro's as well, seeing where they come from. Mayor election going the wrong way, idols not being who they once were, intense moments flaring up.... rocky roads ahead I think....   Tonight's episode is written by Peter Blauner...

Here's tonights miniposter as well a special one further down and link to episode information....

This poster was also tricky to do, with all that is going on.... I choose these two, as it sounded like something is up between them....for info, it is both my own laptop as well camera used in this poster. the backgrounds on them are not though, those are found on internet....

Episode informations can be found here: Allthingslawandorder October Surprise episode information

Miniposter special.....

I wouldn't be surprised if the wardrobe department had a mini book with all the clothes Raul wears on SVU.... otherwise it would be a great memory book to have... I could have looked for the shirts and ties on internet, but I went out there instead and visited two stores. One was totally fine by me taking photos of the shirts, the other one was not too keen yet let me do a few as well the ties... there was so many and too little time to pick which one to use without going overboard.... It'd be cool to see the selection the SVU wardrobe have for Raul (and the rest of the cast too).....  :-)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Farewell to John Munch aka Richard Belzer.....

So in tonights episode of "Wonderland Story" sergeant John Munch is retireing from SVU. Richard Belzer will later show up as guest star/smaller role as Munch still....

Here's 3 posters to send to off Munch as well the invitation which I made last week....

For info, as usual backgrounds are found on the internet, SVU stills belong to NBC. On the last one however, some are from SVU people/twitter as well Joyfulheart Foundation. So if this is not ok, please let me know and I'll change it. (since it is close to 11pm as posting this, I won't be able to do it till tomorrow morning my time....)

I owe a thank you to Allthingslawandorder /Chris as well Cardinal for help in photos of Richard, without this help, I would have spent far more time looking for photos than having time to plot out the miniposters....

Richard, thanks for some good liners.... you will see in the last poster.....  :-)

Ps: Thanks Kaitlyn for pointing out some few spelling mistakes... if there are some more, they are mine entirely.....

This next miniposter... I hope you can see a homeage to "John Munch" and.......   well his more skeptical side..... yes from the X-files...  ;-)

I found these quotes on IMDB (hope you can read them, some of them are funny despite the serious side of SVU).... also, some of the photos used here is from SVU people's twitter (SVUwritersroom, Warren) and Joyfulheart Foundation I believe. The SVU stills belong to NBC and the background colorish is found on internet.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Wonderland Story miniposter......

It is going to be odd not seeing Richard Belzer aka John Munch as often as used to. He has been less and less onscreen on SVU, but still, after 15 years.... it is going to be an bittersweet episode, both saying farewell and solving an rape case.

I have to admit it was tricky this time doing this miniposter, as indeed it is bittersweet. Both a party and a case at the same time....? Plus I couldn't really use too many photos of Richard Belzer as I will be using those on another miniposter....

This miniposter is for the episode itself, as you will see there is two of the same, as I liked the one without too much text.... there will be another one solely saying farewell to the character John Munch, which will be released Tuesday.

This episode was edited by Karen Stern.


"Invitation" to the (farewell)/retirement party of John Munch......

Just an "invitation" to Wednesday's SVU "Wonderland Story" / retirement party.....  I've put in Farewell, as even though Richard Belzer is no longer a current star on SVU from this episode, he will be around every now and then.....

So you're invited....  (ps. background is found on internet, as well SVU still belong to NBC....).

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Feedback on "Internal Affairs", Bensidycity episode......

Bear over with me and I hope I make sense.....

Sigh.... another episode, which needs more than 140 character or does it???

I've seen the episode, but didn't have the subtitles as "backup" so I had a bit difficult time hearing/read lips what Benson and Cassidy talked about at the end of the episode.(whispering people is not the best options for deaf/hard of hearing people, SVU offense....) that said, could someone please do something about IA Tucker? Ok, Tucker aka Robert John Burke does a great job getting on SVU squad nerves as well keep them on their toes. However the last "I need your help on this case putting Cassidy in jeopardy" had me, please could either SVU or ADA Barba just take him down a notch or two......(nice one Kevin....).

When I saw David Conrad was going to be in this episode as well, bad arse cop, I had to do a double take as I've only seen him on "Ghost Whisperer". Boy was he creepy and David Conrad pulled it off nicely.

As did his "partner" officer Ryan Quinn / actress Nadia Dajani, following his lead on whatever he was doing, because he was "covering/taking" care of her.

Which brings me to the "ouch that hurts Olivia" moment, where Benson interrogates officer Ryan Quinn, about her "relationship" with her partner. What Ryan was hoping for or would she be happy to stick with him for the next 10 years. It was something that never would happen. Did someone say double confession here? Ryan finally getting the hint, she never could have what she so longed for with her partner and Olivia - in my eyes - finally voicing her thoughts on the Stabler subject. Yes, she may have wanted to be with Stabler, he left and so she choose to be with Cassidy, hopefully falling in love with Cassidy in a different way, you do when you reconnect/know someone like this. Even if Stabler returned (not gonna happen any day soon), I would think Benson have, well, matured about those feelings towards him. (one thing... I wonder if Cragen listened on the other side hearing this....?)

Before I move along, I want to say I liked Stabler, yes I've read a few EO (Elliot/Olivia) fanfics as well, yes I can see why some would want it to be Stabler and Benson together, however Stabler is a no go area now, which Benson in my eyes clearly stated, when she talked to officer Ryan Quinn, about what she was hoping for.  So for Benson to ever get together with Stabler, never would happen. Case closed. Period. End of story. There is a new man in Benson's life, like him or not..... sorrynotsorry, but I'm team Bensidy.
Sure ship EO away in fanfics, but as far as I am concerned on The show, it is Warren's (probably with Julie and Wolf Dick and a few others) call, who Benson is with .... although if Warren puts Benson with Tucker, I would have a hard time follow that line (I'm pretty sure he was pulling a late night joke with that one on twitter..... right Warren....). 

I happen to like Dean Winters as Brian Cassidy and it was great to see him have more play on SVU - hopefully we will see more to him for the rest of the season, I can see the layers in this character being pealed off, open and hopefully find his own corner of where he wants to be, as NYPD cop and be with Benson  - I am left pondering though, when he was undercover, at one point it clearly looks like he is not entirely comfortable about the situation (waiting in the car knowing what might be going on), why didn't he react to his guts... he is still a NYPD cop...

Could be because I don't know about the case the episode is about. I did find it disturbing, that there a few bad torns out there serving to protect the people and instead uses their "power" in this way. Ok, it is old news when it comes to politics and such, but within the forces?

And let's just take a moment to be "proud" of Captain Cragen..... it may not have been good politics to kick out IA Tucker from his office, but for once I enjoyed that moment, though not happy if it means Tucker takes away Cragen's shield later on....

Let's not forget the Amaro/Benson moment in the car, where he reminds her, she can talk with him whenever, where she brush him off as he treats her normally (that's how I heard it, correct me if I'm wrong....), love it....

By all means let's us have more Finollins undercover moments....  they pulled it off good there......

So like Mariska said in reply on Katie show about relationship on SVU, there is this arc Benson have to go through and I won't go there, but I do hope the SVU land will let Bensidy stay together from now on... through the good/bad times... let's show there is love out there for the victims too. That once you are ready, there is one you can trust. I'd like to see that too... (and if there is more, my Bensidy heart is more than happy... hey I am a fan too......)

Overall.... another "kick of the table on high notch well written episode well acted".... oh and Kevin (Warren, Julie, Peter, etc. etc. you know), by all means, tease as much as you want, if we get more like this... I don't mind.....

Ps. could I have my apartment redecorated by your set master? Love Bensidy's new place/home....

The photo belong to Entertainment Weekly/NBC

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"Internal Affairs" New SVU episode airs tonight at 9pm.....

UPDATED.... Yesterdays post is further down as it is well the same with a slight different in the miniposter I've just made...

Thanks to EW (and Warren and SVUwritersroom), there was another #Bensidycity Bensidy photo up on internet as well from SVUwritersroom, which I've added to the changes....

Now in 3 hours SVUfans in USA will probably swoooning, awing, nervous for Cassidy till who saves him....and who gets what back.....?

I will see if I can wake up again in 3 hours and watch along, if not.... I am really surprised and happy for the response on this miniposter.....  thank you from my corner of the world....  :-) makes it so  much more fun (on creating them) to do it...

Here the "new" and yet still the same miniposters with some slight corrections... see if you can find it....  ;-)

My take on the released photo from Entertainment Weekly.... it could be after Cassidy's ordeal being undercover and Olivia express her concern... or just a closing scene just as it was in "Undercover Blue" .... will know soon enough.....

All new episode airs tomorrow on NBCSVU at 9pm.... this time the "good" IA Tucker comes into play, putting Cassidy under cover to get some bad cops.... did someone say bad idea? Tucker does not have the best recommendation at the SVU office in general, so what does he have up his sleeve....?

This episode is written by Kevin Fox, who kindly have teased a lot of............. there is 24 hours something then it will all be revealed... something about "patience is a virtue"....

Also this episode has been called "Bensidycity" as there will be moments between Brian Cassidy and Olivia Benson, as they move into their new place together..... However, how this is going to play out the rest of the season is going to be interessting.... for instance when Cassidy is not in the episode, how do the SVU team explain that one... then again it is not always we often get to see the squads private lives beside SVU....

I've made 2 of the same poster... you will see why....  ;-) and the last one... either it gets too hot or they stick together.... (just for info, I am team Bensidy....) and I just couldn't help put that heart in there... originally I had planed a cracked heart, as there is still a road for Olivia, even though she is with Brian now, there will be moments they both have to get through.... I just couldn't make it fit in there....and yes I was inspired by one of my previous miniposter, as it does have Cassidy UnderCover again....  ;-)

More about the episode go to webpage.....

All backgrounds used in the miniposters are not mine, but some I found on the internet, the same goes for the SVU stills which belongs to NBC.

 Too hot to handle or all over too soon.......? Hoping for the first.....

Saturday, October 5, 2013

SVU clip for Internal Affairs - Bensidy moments......

I am not sure where this clip comes from, but it sure had twitter reactions to make people wake up fast enough to see it.....

So what I can make out from the clip (hard of hearing here....): 1) Brian is concerned about a case, 2) Brian's shield has been taken from him (when did this happen in the episode first or later...?).... 3) they will figure it out.... and I'm guessing this will be all over SVU fandom soon enough.... 4) "Hey Brian, for once in your life, take care of yourself....... and me....." 

I guess we should give Kevin something for these words....... suggestions Kevin......? (Peter, your up next week with the other Bensidy moment from what I've seen on the promo photos......)

I'm sure this clip will be shown around a lot..... here is the link to the clip..... and can we just call next week: #Bensidyweek ???

Bensidy moment

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

New SVU episode tonight.. "American Tradegy".....

As my mother is visiting me, I won't type as much as I usually do, but there is a new SVU episode tonight and I am curiously how the case in court will be, as Warren tweet earlier "Gulitynotguilty"..... sounds like ADA Barba will have his hands full.....

Here is today miniposters and you can find more info further below on another website....

You can find episode informations here on Allthingslawandorder....:  American Tragedyepisode info

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

#MariskaMonday ......

Well the SVUwriteresroom just posted a vimeo unaired scene from "Surrender Benson".....

Anyway, quickly made this one before bedtime.... will or do we want to see a softer side of Benson on SVU....?